HOA Meeting April 21, 2016.
Meeting called to order By A. May at 7:45p.m.
Schedule meeting to discuss Garrett Street extension and condo development.
Review financials> Discuss delinquencies and further action. J . Rowe made a motion to file a lien on homeowners who are $1500.00 behind or more in association dues. A. May second. Motion passed.
Review South Old State Road widening project.
Community Garage Sale Friday and Saturday May 20-21 Time: 9a.m.-3p.m.
Community 2 Annual Block Party Saturday July 16,2016, 4p.m. - ? more infromation later on.
ThePond. Jones Pond Company has been contacted. Possibly replace fountain. Look into more bubbles. Also into making pond deeper.
Get quotes to fix or peplace bricks on sidewall into park from Wystone Drive.
A. May made a motion to replace twoSigh Trak boards from Sign-A-Rama @ a cost of $279. each. P. Kraft second. Motion passed.
Continued discussion on full management for association. Will be getting
Meeting adjourned at 8: p.m.
Minutes posted by James Rubertino